Accident Prevention & Safety
Safety Policy Statement
It is the policy of Dun Transportation & Stringing, Inc. that accident prevention shall be considered of primary importance in all phases of operation and administration.
It is the intention of the company’s top management to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to establish and insist upon safe practices at all times by all employees.
The prevention of accidents is an objective effecting all levels of the organization and its activities. It is, therefore, a basic requirement that each supervisor make the safety of employees an integral part of his or her regular management function. It is equally the duty of each employee to accept and follow established safety regulations and procedures.
Every effort will be made to provide adequate training to employees. However, if an employee is ever in doubt about how to do a job safely, it is their duty to ask a qualified person for assistance.
Employees are expected to assist management in accident prevention activities. Unsafe conditions must be reported. Fellow employees that need help should be assisted. Everyone is responsible for the housekeeping duties that pertain to their jobs.
Any injury that occurs on the job, even a slight cut or strain, must be reported to management as soon as possible. In no circumstance, except an emergency, should an employee leave a shift without reporting an injury that occurred.
When you have an accident, everyone loses: yourself, your family, your fellow workers and the company. Please work safely. It’s good for everyone.
Gene Johnson